Week 3 - Robotics + Art

Art has inspired engineers in many occasions, especially for robotics. As Professor Machiko Kusahara has said, the TV show, astro boy, affects Japan’s view of robotics. Astro boy goes around and saves many people in crisis. With such thought in mind, many engineers create robots in the shape of a child such as pepper, the humanoid robot. I have met the pepper robot and it is a small statured friendly robot. It speaks happily and makes small jokes on the side. 

Pepper, the humanoid robot.

Not only humanoid robots, but also robots that accomplish simple tasks are inspired from media. In the movie, Back to the Future, the director and screenwriter envisioned a futuristic world with multiple robots implemented in our lives. One of their famous creations is the shoe that can tie itself. From enthused response of viewers, Nike has made the Nike Mag. Art has many positive influence on robots and provide creativity.  

Back to the Future, Nike Mag.

However, not media shows have positive influence. For example, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has been shown to the public as a possible evil technology capable of murdering humans such as in the movie, The Terminator.

The Terminator showcasing AI.

To those who are not familiar with AI, it may be daunting; however, AI is already implemented in our lives and have supported us. A common use of AI is in Google Maps. Through AI, it learns traffic and the fastest method a person can use to reach their destination. Such negative image association from media cause longer implementation time for robotics into our lives. Art have had both positive and negative influence on robotics.

  1. Cheng, Lili. “Don't Be Afraid of the Future of Artificial Intelligence.” Time, Time, 4 Jan. 2018, time.com/5087385/why-you-shouldnt-be-afraid-of-artificial-intelligence/.
  2. Glaser, April. “Pepper, the Emotional Robot, Learns How to Feel Like an American.” Wired, Conde Nast, 3 June 2017, www.wired.com/2016/06/pepper-emotional-robot-learns-feel-like-american/.
  3. Kusahara, Machiko. Robotics MachikoKusahara 1 YouTube, 14 Apr. 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQZ_sy-mdEU.
  4. Times Now. “Deep-Learning: Google Maps to Become More Accurate through Artificial Intelligence.” Times Now: Latest India News, World News, Sports, Live News & Videos, www.timesnownews.com/technology-science/article/deep-learning-google-maps-to-become-more-accurate-through-artificial-intelligence/60610.
  5. Winston, Anna. “Did Back to the Future Influence the Real Future of Design?” Dezeen, Dezeen, 4 Jan. 2016, www.dezeen.com/2015/10/21/back-to-the-future-real-design-futures-flying-cars-overboard-wearable-ambient-technology/.

Image Sources
  1. “Meet Pepper, the Customer Engagement Robot Designed to Help You Know Your Customers Better and Meet Your Business Goals.” SoftBank Robotics Homepage, www.softbankrobotics.com/us/solutions?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5fDWBRDaARIsAA5uWTii2jpZAHY4TyG03W9do_GsoS3V1vm-HvmcxdcN-673sOnPfUA4hPcaAsulEALw_wcB.
  2. “Ranking the Terminator Films.” MEN VS. MOVIES, www.menvsmovies.com/editorials-1/2017/8/26/ranking-the-terminator-films.
  3. Rubin, Peter. “Back to the Future's Self-Lacing Nikes Are Finally Real.” Wired, Conde Nast, 10 Jan. 2018, www.wired.com/2015/10/nike-air-mags-bttf-shoe-real/.
